Tag Archives: poltergeists

Why You don’t Want a Ghost Living with You.

Over the years, when clearing their house, clients tell me to only remove the not nice ghosts and let the ghosts stay if they are nice. I have always refused. And here is why.

To address this issue, we must first define the word “ghost.” When I say “ghost,” I refer to those beings who, at one time, were physical beings and whose physical body died. The soul then left the deceased body, but did not cross over and go home (heaven).

When I ask ghosts why they did not originally cross over, they have given me many reasons why a soul does not cross over when the body dies.

Ghosts, quite simply, do not belong on the Earth plane. If your house has ghosts, then they are souls that are stuck and/or lost—or perhaps they are in a time loop. They once walked the Earth in a physical body and had a life. As a ghost, they want to go home, just like everyone else. They want to see their families again; they want to be unstuck and rescued—even when they say they don’t. To know how to take them home and not do so just because a client wants something interesting to tell their friends, would be highly cruel, in my opinion. I will always refuse to let that happen.

There are other reasons, too, however, to avoid living with ghosts. When a soul leaves the body because the body has died, and then doesn’t (for whatever reason) cross over and go home, they often begin to draw energy from the physical beings around them—that’s you, your family, and your pets.

Depending on how long they’ve been lost, they may forget who they were and who they really are. They may get bitter, angry, confused, depressed, etc., because they have been away from home and reminders of their divinity for so long. They may get bored and begin “playing” with you and your family to keep from going crazy and to alleviate the boredom. And what may seem like playing to them, could seem cruel and scary to your kids who do not like being pushed and scratched by “that mean man in our basement.”

A few ghosts hang around so long that they begin to be able to manipulate the physical plane as well as the nonphysical. These will take the form of poltergeists. They are able to move physical objects, make noises (whispering in your ear, thumps and knocking), harm humans (choking, scratching, etc.), and mess with computers, electricity, and/or mechanical objects.

Ghosts (as well as other entities) can also begin to influence you and your kids’ thoughts and dreams. That’s why I urge folks who very suddenly start having new thoughts and dreams that are weird, violent, suicidal, and very unlike their usual thoughts and dreams to call me as soon as possible.

Some ghosts may have been lost for so long that they even begin to think of themselves as “evil.” I have seldom run across a truly evil soul; most have simply convinced themselves of that over time. However, they may be acting out that “evilness” anyway, and you and your family may be paying the price for their mis-belief. Before escorting them home, I always address any and all ghosts I remove and help them remember who they really are:  a beautiful, powerful, divine soul who has just been lost too long to remember for themselves. 

There are many ghosts I remove that say they do not want to go home. This is usually because they have forgotten about home, forgotten they were once physical, have become attached to other humans, and/or don’t’ realize they are dead. Some even try and put up a fight and think they can avoid going. Those are the ones that most need to be reminded about who they really are.

I take them anyway, and they always come back later to say thank you. But if they come back to thank me, aren’t they classified as a “ghost” again? No. Once they have been home, once the darkness and confusion has been lifted from them, and once they realize who they are and what they could actually be doing instead of hanging out in the basement scaring your kids, they very seldom want to stay Earthbound.

And even if they decide to stay for a while, they know where their home is and know they can return any time they want. They are not stuck anymore. They are free. And after crossing over and coming back, they are never evil, mean, or intentionally scary.

Please do not think that because your ghost is nice that you have a right to keep it captive in your house like a pet. Please be kind to them, and give me a call so that I can help them out.